2016 Taco or Beer Challenge


Join our online taco or beer challenge to raise funds and bust abortion stigma!

It’s easy!

1. Eat a taco or drink a beer
2. Donate HERE
3. Take a picture or video of you doing both and why funding choice is important to you
4. Post on social media and challenge 3 friends
5. Submit your photo or video to tacoorbeerchallenge.tumblr.com and tag photos with #tobc16

The History of the Taco or Beer Challenge:

2014: I Want You to Eat a Taco, Drink a Beer, and Fund Abortion

2015: It’s Time Again to Eat a Taco, Drink a Beer, and Fund Abortion

August 15, 2016 at 12:00am - August 30, 2016
Everywhere tacos and beers are consumed!

Will you come?