Bowl-a-thon 2012 was Amazing!

A huge thank you to the sponsors, team captains, bowlers, and donors who made the 3rd annual Women Have Options Bowl-a-Thon a tremendous success! Together we raised more than $27,000 for abortion access in Ohio—that’s $12,000 over our original goal!

Lawmakers have done everything in their power to take choices away from Ohio’s women. On April 29, we stood up defiantly and gave women their choices back. Throughout the month of April, abortion funds around the country participated in the National Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon organized by the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF). WHO/O joined the fun with 31 teams made up of 161 bowlers from around the state. Teams representing Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio, Denison University Students for Choice, VOX at OSU, Women Have Options board members, and others joined us to celebrate choice and strike down financial barriers to abortion access. Our bowl-a-thon was more than a great fundraiser: it was a great way to build community, bringing together progressive people who support women’s equality.

We would like to thank the amazing sponsors who made this event possible:

Nationally, more than $474,000 was raised, and Women Have Options was #6 in the country for fundraising!

To raise $27,000, lots of individuals did some impressive fundraising. As encouragement, we offered prize packages to the top five individual fundraisers:

Trust Women

  • Sony Bloggie Touch camera
  • $25 Mozart’s Café gift card
  • $20 City Barbecue gift card
  • $50 Evolved BodyArt gift card
  • Women Have Options tote bag

A Date with WHO/O

  • $200 wine tasting for 10 at Signature Wines
  • $25 Mozart’s Café gift card
  • $30 Brezel gift card
  • $20 Evolved BodyArt gift card
  • Women Have Options tote bag

WHO/O Delight

  • $50 Pattycake Bakery gift card for a special-order cake
  • $20 Brezel gift card
  • $15 Evolved BodyArt gift card
  • Capital City Fitness: 2 personal training sessions and 2 group training sessions
  • Women Have Options tote bag

Repro Justice Rocks

  • Blue Rock Station 4-person tour
  • Blue Rock Station gift basket
  • $50 Brezel gift card
  • $20 Evolved BodyArt gift card
  • Capital City Fitness: 2 personal training sessions and 2 group training sessions
  • Women Have Options tote bag

Abortion Access for All

  • Yoga on High: 11-class pass
  • Capital City Fitness: 2 personal training sessions and 2 group training sessions
  • Women Have Options tote bag

Leading up to the bowl-a-thon on April 29, we offered prizes along the way, including gift cards to Brezel and Evolved BodyArt, as well as tickets to COSI, Gateway Film Center, Funny Bone, Columbus Crew, and the OSU Department of Theatre.

To see all the photos from the event, please visit our Facebook page. We can’t wait to make the 2013 bowl-a-thon just as amazing!