Makin' It Personal - Your Bowl-a-thon Fundraising Page

11110024_10153281936460320_7026856768774763663_n_(1).jpgWant to know something interesting about charitable giving? People are actually more likely to give money to a single individual, rather than an abstract group. Luckily, your donors aren’t only giving to an awesome cause. They’re also giving to an awesome individual: YOU. What’s a fun and easy way to remind them of this? Personalize your Bowl-a-Thon page! (It’s sort of like decorating your locker in junior high school, if you went to a junior high school where your locker unleashed magical powers to fund abortion in Ohio.)


Here are some starters to help inspire your page’s amazingness:

Step 1: Get some inspiration by simply clicking around the Bowl-a-thon homepage and perusing the pages of other teams/bowlers.

Step 2: Find some imagery and text to use on your page! Some examples:

▪  A selfie of you with a sign saying why you support abortion funds (check out Lauren Rankin’s “I Fund Abortions” Tumblr for examples!)
▪  A series of animated GIFs telling a compelling AND hilarious story (may we suggest as a good GIF search engine?)
▪  Custom memes via
▪  Photos of you and your teammates making funny faces
▪  Personal stories about why you support WHO/O, abortion funding, or bowling.

Example: “I fundraise for Women Have Options because we can make a real difference in people’s lives with only $100 at a time, and the Bowl-a-Thon fundraising season is where WHO/O gets a big chunk of our budget. For over 24 years, WHO/O has been filling a gap to make sure that folks who need access to their healthcare can get it, regardless of insurance and economic barriers. I know exactly where the money goes, and it’s right into the hands of people who need it most.” 

Step 3: Put it all together! Simply log in to the Bowl-a-thon site, click the MANAGE button on the top right of the page, and then click the DETAILS tab. Here, you can post your memes and GIFs, manage your photos, change your fundraising goals, and add updates.

▪  If you need more help, you can e-mail us. We’re happy to answer your questions, provide inspiration, and help you make your page the best ever!

Step 4: Collaborate! Once you have your page ready to go, you can do other cool stuff, like…..

▪  Encourage others by commenting on the pages that you love
▪  Re-post your page on FacebookTwitterInstagram, the community board at your coffee shop, your dog’s forehead, etc.

Again, the most important thing is to make your page a reflection of YOU. Many of the pledges that you’ll receive will be from those who already know and love you, but who may not know why you care so deeply about this work. Let your page be your opportunity to tell them.

As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions. Happy funding!