Black Reproductive Justice Futures: Taren

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Black Reproductive Justice Futures: Taren

Today, in looking toward Black futures, we're highlighting our Program Manager, Taren!


Taren (she/her) is a true joy to work with, fund with, and organize with. Don't let her humility fool you—she's an experienced organizer, doula, and storyteller with lots of love & fire in her heart. Taren has a bold vision for the future of our movements, one where the tenets of reproductive justice serve as a guiding framework for building collective power. 


Taren perfectly encompasses the heart & future of RJ. She builds the future of RJ from a place of love, while still acknowledging the very real injustices we’re fighting. She’s best described as a resilient, authentic, and humble leader, talking to patients with the same genuine care she shows her friends and family. Already, Taren’s work in this movement has been invaluable, and we’re ecstatic to be part of her journey. 


How would you like to see RJ grow in the next 5 years?

"I would love to see more movement spaces look to RJ as a guiding framework. When we approach issues through an RJ lens, we see the bigger, clearer picture. We're able to understand that while rights and laws are important, they’re not enough when we consider the barriers in place that prevent folks with marginalized identities from exercising those rights, and I think that reaches far beyond just repro. This will allow us to better build solidarity and power."
